5 Tips to Stop Toy-Related Eye Injuries
During toy-giving season, making wise selections will keep your kids’ eyes safe. Use these safety guidelines for choosing toys.

Sports Glasses Shown to Boost Performance
When it comes to most outdoor sports, vision is key to performance. Even if you have 20/20 vision (or maybe even better than 20/20 if you are one of our LASIK patients) and don’t need prescription glasses, wearing appropriate sports sunglasses can reduce glare, enhance contrast and ease going from bright to dark scenarios, all […]

Is That a Stye or a Chalazion? What the Heck is a Chalazion?
What’s this bump in my eyelid? A simple question, but the answer can be confusing. The shortest and simplest response is: If it doesn’t hurt anymore, it’s a chalazion. If it’s still painful, it’s a stye.

AGEI Supports Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics
Assil Gaur Eye Institute (AGEI) is honored to give back to the community by supporting local law enforcement’s Torch Run for the Special Olympics.

What You Need to Know if Cataracts Clouds Your Vision
The medical etymology of “cataract” is derived from the Latin word for a portcullis. That’s the heavy gate that was dropped to prevent an enemy from invading the courtyard of a castle. In this sense, a cataract is like an opaque veil that age drops over the lens of your eye. Untreated cataracts will definitely […]

Dr. Kerry Assil Awarded Best Los Angeles Ophthalmologist, Again!
Los Angeles Magazine recently recognized Dr. Kerry Assil as one of Los Angeles Magazine’s Top Docs for 2019 for his innovative work in LASIK and cataract surgery and his dedication to his patients.

Can Green Smoothies Support Eye Health?
You’ve probably come across magazine articles touting the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. At first, everyone was into juicing, then along came smoothies. But when we look at the sugar content, carbohydrate load and calories of some drinks being sold, it leaves many of us wondering which foods are seriously beneficial to your health […]

Shingles in the Eye on the Rise, What You Need to Know
You can call it by its medical name, herpes zoster opthalmicus. Or you can simply call it shingles in the eye. Either way, it can reduce your eyesight to a state of legal blindness. The chickenpox and shingles connection Chickenpox is caused by the varicella zoster virus. In the 1990s, an average of 4 million […]

Superfoods and How They are Healthy for Your Eyes
Studies have proven that certain dietary antioxidants can slow down the aging of the eye, including the retina. The retina is the “film” layer of the eye that becomes the optic nerve and connects to the brain. One example of “instant aging” and rapid recovery is the response to a bright flash of light. We […]

An Optometrist’s Role in Referring for LASIK and Specialty Eye Treatments
Did you know your optometrist can refer you to AGEI for specialty eye treatments? It’s true and it is called “co-managed care”. We work in conjunction with your O.D. for many conditions including: LASIK Glaucoma Cataract Retina Pterygium Cornea Transplant Advanced Dry Eye Treatment (your Optometrist may also offer remedies) Oculoplastics (including Eyelid Lifts) And […]

We welcome you to Assil Gaur Eye Institute’s new website and blog!
We are very happy to share our newly developed website. Welcome. As you explore the site, you’ll probably first notice the extensive content about most of the conditions that the Assil Gaur Eye Institute treats as well as the procedures we perform to get our patients back in tip-top shape. We’re very excited to be able to provide […]

EagleVision®️ LASIK Gives NBA’s Chris Paul a Huge Advantage in Hitting His Shots
After 10 years of putting off the decision to have LASIK, Chris Paul entrusted Dr. Kerry Assil of Assil Gaur Eye Institute Los Angeles with restoring his vision. Squinting to see the rim had become his norm, and a point guard needs clear vision to make those distance shots.