Dr. Assil Gives State-of-the-Art Odyssey IOL Lens Extremely High Praise
The Assil Gaur Eye Institute is one of the first to in the world to utilize the new Johnson & Johnson multi-focal intraocular lens: the Odyssey.

What the Heck is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Why Does It Cause Dry Eye Disease?
Discovering the root of dry eye: What is the meibomian gland and how does meibomian gland dysfunction contribute to dry eye disease?

Computer Vision Syndrome: Can Screen Time Make Dry Eye Problems Worse?
Can screen time worsen dry eyes? Explore the link in Computer Vision Syndrome for practical relief tips and enhance your digital well-being

Why is My Iris Inflamed? When to See a Doctor for Iritis
Iritis is the inflammation of the iris, the colored ring around your pupil. But do you know when it’s time to seek professional help for this eye condition?

FDA Warns Against Potential Risk of Infection from 27 Eye Drop Products
The FDA has issued a warning about 27 eye drop products. Know which eye drops to avoid due to possible infection risk.

How Your Vision Changes in Your 40s and 50s
Eye health problems become more common as we age. Learn what to look out for in your 40s and 50s and how to keep your aging eyes healthy.

Surfer’s Eye Isn’t Just for Surfers: How to Avoid Pterygium Eye Growths
How can you take preventative measures to reduce the risk of surfer’s eye and safeguard your vision in sunny environments?

Dr. Assil-founded Surgery Center Named Best in the USA by Newsweek for the Second Year in a Row!
For the second year in a row, Dr. Assil’s Cedars-Sinai 90210 Surgery Center has been ranked the best in the USA by Newsweek Magazine.

Can You Go Blind from LASIK? What Are the Actual Odds?
What are the chances of going blind from LASIK, and how does LASIK technology ensure safety during the procedure?

The Importance of Protective Eyewear for Youth Sports
90% of eye injuries could be prevented by using proper protective eye wear. If you or your kids play sports, read up on how to protect your eyes and vision!

What is Fuchs’ Dystrophy? All About This Progressive Cornea Disease
Fuchs’ dystrophy is a progressive eye disease that affects the cornea. AGEI’s eye experts have all the information you need on Fuchs’ eye disease.

Retina Specialists: What They Do and Why We Need Them
The retina is an important part of the eye. AGEI’s retinal specialist treats diseases and conditions of the retina to ensure healthy eyes and vision.