Our articles about the latest technology in Eye Care. Written by the ophthalmological experts at Assil Gaur Eye Institute Los Angeles, CA

Patients are raving about the enVista® Envy™ Trifocal IOL Lens
AGEI ophthalmologists Drs. Kerry Assil and Avneet K. Sodhi Gaur have added the latest technology to their arsenal of vision-correcting intraocular lenses (IOLs).

Boy Sees Color for First Time, Shares Gift with Others
A middle-school boy’s emotional experience seeing color for the first time inspired an outpouring of support that is now helping other colorblind children.

Is a Cure for Blindness Within Sight?
Stanford-based neuroscience researchers are exploring optogenetics as a possible cure for blindness through stimulation of other nerves in the retina. Learn more about this revolutionary research!

Coming soon: New Assistive technology for the Blind!
Assistive technology products exist to help those with visual impairment navigate their day-to-day lives. However, there is nothing quite good enough to help the blind navigate independently. Yet.

What You Need to Know About EagleVision®️ LASIK Surgery
EagleVision®️ is the newest generation of LASIK surgery. We believe it offers the best outcome of any LASIK technology available today.

Could a Video Game Diagnose Glaucoma?
Could a video game diagnose glaucoma? Can glaucoma be treated by your TV? Technology is revolutionizing glaucoma diagnosis and treatment.

A Special Astronaut Sleeping Bag to Relieve Vision Problems in Space
We’re learning more about what living in zero gravity does to the human body–including the eyes. Learn how science is relieving vision changes in space.

The LASIK Evolution: Better measurements and a refined flap have improved LASIK results
An article written Dr. Kerry Assil was published in The Ophthalmologist magazine. We want to share it with you in case you are interested in taking a deeper dive into what makes our EagleVision LASIK surgery technique and technology so advanced.

SMILE Eye Surgery May Leave You Little to Smile About
Despite positive press, SMILE eye surgery may not be your best option. Compare this laser correction technology to LASIK.

New Clinical Study for ARTISAN® IOL (intraocular lens) now at AGEI
Assil Gaur Eye Institute is enrolling patients in an investigational clinical study involving the ARTISAN® Aphakia intraocular lens (IOL).